Our Partners
IBF – Leveraging value from previous investments
There is a commonality in the membership of IBF with individuals and organisations responsible for many of the flagship initiatives already in place which have helped to put Ireland at the cutting edge of innovation in terms of the global bioeconomy.

Shannon ABC
An Enterprise Ireland funded technology gateway with the remit for prospecting bio-resources, for national and international partner industries for added-value products, hosted in LIT and MTU (formerly ITT)

Pairc na Mara
Will contain a variety of marine activities, where productive sector enterprises, public bodies, state development agencies and the research community will work together to add value to their products and services and maximise the development potential of the marine sector in the region.

Bioconnect Innovation Centre
Funded by Monaghan , the centre will be used to help create new products from a single raw material, and research the implementation of new science into existing products.

The AgriChemWhey project seeks to build a first-of-a kind, industrial-scale biorefinery with integrated symbiotic industrial and agricultural value chains that will have the capacity to valorise over 25,000 tonnes (100% dry matter) per annum of excess Whey Permeate (WP) and De-lactosed Whey Permeate (DLP) to several added value products for growing global markets including lactic acid, polylactic acid, minerals for human nutrition and bio-based fertilisers.

A €58m Research Centre (co-funded by Science Foundation Ireland and industry) focussed on Advanced Materials and Bio-Engineering Research

The Dairy Processing Technology Centre (DPTC) is an industry-academic collaborative research centre, hosted by the University of Limerick, with a research agenda driven by the long-term growth opportunities for the dairy sector. The centre is funded by Enterprise Ireland and the Dairy Industry Partners.

(co-funded by Science Foundation Ireland and industry) is Ireland’s national bioeconomy research centre and is focused on frontier research for the development of the bioeconomy, contributing to the creation of vibrant sustainable communities.

Circular Bioeconomy South-West Cluster
Initiated in early 2021, the Circular Bioeconomy South-West Cluster develops and promotes the circular bioeconomy across Kerry and Cork. Working with an ecosystem of industry, SMEs, researchers, and government to create a bio-based economy and support enterprise profit through applied research, business opportunities and promotion. Thematic focus areas are Waste-to-Value and Marine.
IBF will help unlock significant existing and future value of these projects as well as being a magnet for other similar initiatives.